Text for the catalogue " Romulus Express",1988
Two is double,us two
Three is two plus one, the couple and the other one, the third man, he is "I do" for better or for worse, for ordinary circumstances.
Four is the one and the other, plus another one each.
Five is passing through
Six is a threat
Eight is what it is, What I am.
Nine is my death, what follows without me.
Ten is the perfection of the measured world.
Eleven is the fulfillment of one, his power.
Twelve is six redoublings, but this makes it less dreadful, and it can be faced.
Thirteen is chance, astonishing and surprising.
Fourteen is the happy and necessary fate of the double.
Fifteen is betrayal overflowing and blissful, unexpected but longed-for pleasure.
Sixteen is the highest power of self.
Seventeen is the relentlessness of the immediate.
Eighteen is a perturbation, ambiguity, clash.
Nineteen is the loss of purity.
Twenty is completeness, empty and abstract.
Twenty-one is the deaf understanding of that which is and its melancholy acceptance.
Twenty-two is that which knows that which is shall not be.
Twenty-three is
One day Rivka was travelling alone from Venice to Salzburg and decided to write a letter. Then she changed her mind and took some photographs from the window.Later she had printed up and sent them instead of the Letter so that the person receiving them might see,and not read, what had happened,and not what had been thought.
A castle in the fog, and then night. The vast suburbs of a European city.
Pier Luigi Tazzi
Capalle,January, 1988